Donation Request Form
To request a donation from the Cannon Spouses' Club (CSC), please fill out this form as completely and in as much detail as possible. Donation requests require 30 days minimum to process. If additional information is required we will call or email you. We encourage you to make your request as early as possible. For submission and planning purposes, please note that our board meetings occur on the first Wednesday of each month. Any requests received after that will be held until the following month.
Our mission is to increase the morale and welfare of the Cannon AFB military spouses and the local community through meaningful and consistent morale and fundraising events. The Cannon Spouses' Club coordinates and distributes annual college scholarships for military spouses and high school seniors assigned to Cannon AFB. We are excited to be a part of making Cannon AFB and the surrounding communities better!
Please send any questions concerning your request to csc.welfare27@gmail.com.